Boost your diverse team with our Team Building - Modules !
Choose from our 4 inhouse Training-Modules. You can book each Module one-by-one or as a package of 2, 3 or 4.
If you don’t find an appropriate Module, we can arrange the content of the workshop according to your needs!
- DIVERSIFIED through a huge variety of methods
- PERSONAL to meet the needs of participants
- CULTURAL SENSITIVE to bring the best out of your diverse team
- INTERACTIVE to promote participation
Module 1 - Building a winning TEAM!
Intercultural Teambuilding for freshers in your company.
- Activating Team-building Game
- Bringing out the strengths and competences and cultural assets of the team-members
- Finding a team-identity and team-vision
Your benefits:
- Growth of mutual appreciation between team-members
- Growth of team-spirit and team identity
- Higher motivation of your employees
Our Prize*:
1050,- Euro / 4 hours
Module 2 - Onboarding
First impression counts!
Offer a fun Kick-off day to welcome your new foreign employees in your company.
- Activating Team-building Game
- Presentation of your company values
- Does and donts in german working culture
Your benefits:
- Faster integration in the company
- Higher motivation of your employees
- Establishing an open working culture within your company
Our Prize*:
1050,- Euro / 4 hours
Module 3 - Diversity wins! I
How does culture influence the way of working together?
- Background knowledge about influence of cultural imprint on communication and collaboration
Your benefits:
- Better understanding of diverse communication and working styles within the team
- Growth in cultural consciousness and competence of your employees
- Growth of synergy in the collaboration
Our Prize*:
1050,- Euro / 4 hours
Module 4 - Diversity wins! II
How to handle misunderstandings and conflicts in a diverse team?
- Background knowledge about good communication and conflict solution
- Exercises for conflict solution communication
Your benefits:
- Growth of communication and conflict competence of your employees
- Faster conflict solution within your team
- Growth of synergy in the collaboration
Our Prize*:
1050,- Euro / 4 hours
*The prize includes the assessment of the needs of your team, the preparation and facilitation of the Workshop.