Simply benefit from Our Network & Our Experience for Recruiting your Experts abroad !
Sourcing & Recruiting of Young Talents abroad
As a matter of fact, we have an extensive network of partners in all the corners of Africa. From the West to the East and the North to the South, we tied bonds with governments, start-up hubs, well-ranked public and private universities, and training centres, as well as local heroes as world-class athletes, civil society advocates and social leaders.
This network enables us to access a huge pool of young, talented, smart, educated and hard working people for our sourcing. Our sourcing aims at filling at the same time a social and a business purpose. While the social purpose is to offer life-changing opportunities to the African educated youth that still suffers a huge rate of unemployment despite is increasing level of education, our business purpose is to offer workforce solutions to German enterprises that are jeopardised by the skilled labour shortage, enabling them by the same occasion to prepare their entry in new markets in Africa.
Backgrounds and specialities of the talents within our sourcing pool are varied and diverse enough. They include languages, social sciences and humanities (e.g. German, English, French, Psychology, Sociology), management sciences, economic, computer sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.
With our panel of experts in team building and recruiting, along with our pedagogical engineers and cultural anthropologists, we rigorously select candidates that present not only the best cognitive abilities and hard skills, but also the best adaptative, intercultural and softs skills.